Bean Seeds, Kentucky Wonder Wax Pole
Bean Seeds, Kentucky Wonder Wax Pole
Buy the quantity you need - select 2, 3, 4 Small Sachets if you want 2, 3 or 4 feet to be used for Beans. If you have a bigger garden, choose Full Sachet (shown on the picture), which covers about 45 sq feet.
A delicious home garden variety that is best when pods are picked young. Pods are round, 20 cm (8") long, with a creamy, light yellow color. Use fresh or frozen.
Seeding Instructions: Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Pick early and often to encourage production. Sow every 2 weeks until 8 weeks before fall frost. Repeat plantings every two weeks to extend the harvest season of fresh beans. Apply Garden Inoculant to improve yields. Avoid working among plants while the foliage is damp or wet.
Days to germination: from 6 to 14
Days to maturity: about 65