5 reasons why Gardening is beneficial

raised garden bed girl planting

Gardening - an activity of maintaining a garden, mostly in free time. However, it extends beyond collecting gloves, pruning shears, and loppers. Even if none of these terms make sense, you should take a few minutes to learn about many benefits of gardening.

raised garden bed lettuce harvest

With tons of organic herbs and vegetables, packed with essential vitamins, getting your 5 A Day will never be an issue. On top of that, your taste buds will explode from the mixture of nature and hard work tightly packed in each bit of the harvest.

raised garden bed parsley

Direct exposure to vitamin D promotes calcium absorption, bone growth, and strong immune system. Sunlight does so by energizing T cells that are responsible for immune system response to infections.

raised garden bed girl seeding

Working in a garden, spending time on growing plants can give rise to a strong sense of accomplishment. Harvesting the herbs and vegetables of hard work will strengthen one’s sense of self-worth, leading to increased levels of self-esteem.

raised garden bed watering

According to the University of Virginia, gardening is considered to be a moderate to strenuous form of exercise. Burning about 300 calories an hour, gardening can play its role in one’s shape-maintaining or even weight loss journey. In addition to that, digging in mud is great for increasing muscle strength. 

raised garden beds family

Gardening can be enjoyed by anyone: from a small child to an elderly person. This makes it a great family-bonding activity. Also, it has been proved that early exposure to dirt can lead to several long-term health benefits. 

raised garden beds board

If reading this list of many gardening benefits did not fully convince you, wait until you come back home from a few hours of gardening. Research from the University of Pennsylvania has shown that gardening can lead to a more restful sleep.

raised garden beds girls digging

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